First of all, at the age of retirement, I’ve damned well Walk away I am a grumpy old man I was born in March I have anger issues shirt EARNED the right to be as grumpy as I want and I don’t apologize for it. Also, when I become a perpetual Pollyanna, you had better call the police because I’ve likely got an M16 in my hand and I’m ready to do some damage. Next, people who are too happy all of the time, scare the hell out of me. Because they are usually the ones lying to themselves or they are too simple to understand what is happening in the world. They are the same people who neighbors say they never hear fighting but suddenly end up being investigated because their wife suddenly disappears. Now, having said that, I keep myself content in semi-retirement by working all of the time. In fact, I probably work harder now than I did when I was employed.
