Tucker Carlson, THANK YOU for Trump Eagle Betsy Ross Flag the Rush Limbaugh show shirt calling out Shephard Smith!!!!! He is, and always has been, an arrogant, condescending, rude partisan hack who claims he’s a hard news reporter!! We, the loyal Fox viewers have known this for many years and can’t stand him. I have Fox News on 24/7, expect from 3-4 pm EST!!! Finally, someone called him out for the biased liberal he truly is!!! He belongs on an option show at CNN! Shepard Smith is a TOOL! I know Fox really makes an effort to be fair, but if Shepard, Juan Williams and Donna Brazile (and the Liberal Sherpa) are really representative of “the other side” – no wonder they are losing.

Buy this shirt: Trump Eagle Betsy Ross Flag the Rush Limbaugh show shirt