Chunky peanut butter is when they leave the peanut shells on, The Peanuts Charlie Brown Snowman live well love much laugh often Christmas sweatshirt and smooth peanut butter is when they have just the inside of the peanut. Reese’s (like most other chocolate and peanut butter cups) mixes their finely ground peanut paste with powdered sugar before piping it into cups. This absorbs the peanut oils and changes the viscosity, while the extra sugar helps the candy to melt in your mouth in a different way than normal peanut butter. It’s really more of a “peanut fondant filling” if you want to get technical, but I don’t hold that against Reese’s. Peanut fondant sounds horrid. The sad truth is that in the majority of municipalities that collect “mixed” recycles, you might as well throw it out because it will be thrown out anyway.
