Everyone needs one!! I always grew up with Stitch and Unicorn name here you’re my person shirt Great Danes, Labs, German Shepherds, Pointer coonhound mix. I never saw myself blessed with a dachshund. But she came into my life, and honestly, she is just the best, goofiest, cuddle monster I’ve ever known. We have a Yorkiepoo too, and he’s one of the best dogs we’ve ever had as well. I painted two Weiner dogs this past week. Coco and Marty, quite the buddies. Super cute! They are the best breed ever. They will be your new best friend. From a fifty year cheerleader! I highly recommend it. My Lilah was my princess. Loyal, affectionate, fiercely protective and very intelligent.

Buy this shirt: Stitch and Unicorn name here you’re my person shirt