I frigging enjoyed watching “John Wick” and I’m very excited Snoopy this is my hallmark Christmas movie watching shirt about the sequel but I’d enjoy a rise of John Wick to his “Baba Yaga” status movie even more! A movie that shows where and how John Wick obtained and mastered his skills, shows how he met his ill-fated wife, goes more in-depth of William Dafoe with “The Old Guard”, and shows the impossible task that John Wick accomplishes to leave the crime syndicate. Hell even showing him killing the three men in the bar with the fucking pencil. All I know is I now understand why, Jason, Mike Myers, Frederick Kreuger, Norman bates, lucifer, the exorcist, pumpkinhead, alien, predator, etc… are all taking a plane to hell to stay safe. Run hurricane run. I thought the 2nd one would’ve been done as a Prequel so that we all got a better Since of “The Man Before He Became

Buy this shirt: Snoopy this is my hallmark Christmas movie watching shirt