“As an old weed Santa Claus riding reindeer Canada Postes Christmas shirt. Smoking hippie, I must say, I have never been so pleased with art.” said customer, John Hand. “Pure class, guys. I know what I want for Christmas this year for sure.” Everything is built around design first, with branding taking a backseat so that no will turn you into a walking billboard. It was created by a professional photographer. Here’s what he has to say about the line, “From a very young age I’ve loved creating art in all forms. Starting out with animation through flipbooks and eventually arriving at the point I am now where I can express myself through unique and stylish clothing that fits perfectly. As a professional action sports photographer for the last 7 years with images published in many major publications and all around the world, I’ve developed an eye for what looks good. Every design is built to encapsulate personality and draw attention in a good way.

Buy this shirt: Santa Claus riding reindeer Canada Postes Christmas shirt