I miss the good old times when you could just walk into a ticket store of Rammstein 25th Anniversary 1994-2019 thank you for the memories signatures shirt sometimes even still had the choice where you wanna sit or stand …). So I got my first Rammstein tickets back in ’98 here in Berlin, one day before their concert (which was later released on DVD). Today this “old school feeling” has gone … you have to be online on a badly programmed website already before the official start of the tickets sale – and then you can spend hours of trying just to get past the first waiting queue or just can read the same error messages of “server being down” again and again … yeah, I am really missing the old days. Eventim would not process my (valid) credit cards during the LIFAD presale, and now I’ve been stuck in 45 minutes of waiting room hell. No tickets for me this time, I guess.

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