Watch this entire thing you will laugh so so so hard. Penguin I’ll get over it I just need to be dramatic first shirt I feel like this is life with me with the exception of the creamer for coffee & the spiders, I can handle those and you are the one always losing your keys and phone. sorry you have to experience all of this on the daily. I know you won’t watch the whole thing so just think of everything I do that annoys you, and that’s this video. Love it! “Mmm coffee” the sigh and everything. Usually when the kids are down for their nap. Although I am the spider killer in this house. I’m glad I’m not like any of that or will be married to anyone like that. Funny, but a waste of money, time and sanity lol. I drink my coffee black, I hate to shop especially at Target, and that’s the best medicine for a headache. Lol, I don’t know why I never been married.
