I was introduced to Megadeth after its peak in success Megadeth Christmas tree Merry Xmas for all sweatshirt during the summer of 1995. I was 13 (nearly 14) years old when a mailer from Columbia House fell into my greedy lap. For Millenials that are reading my answer, this was a music club that would send you CDs in the mail each month. They would hook you with their introductory offer which usually consisted of 6 to 12 CDs for the price of shipping. I had no money to pay for any of this and was unaware of any consequence. To me, it was just free stuff. I can’t remember every disc I chose, but there were two that really stood out. Dream Theater’s “Change of Seasons”, and

Buy this shirt: Megadeth Christmas tree Merry Xmas for all sweatshirt