Sunflowers are a plant that is easy and hard to screw up. Just a girl who loves sunflowers shirt The seeds are large. and just place them about an inch deep in loose soil. I would plant them about 6″ to 12″ apart and later thin them out to stand about 2′ from each other. Probably late in the Spring when the soil is warm is the best time to plant. If the soil is too cold they will not germinate. Also, keep the soil moist but not soaking wet. They are spectacular for little effort. Sunflowers come in large sizes growing 8′ or taller with flowers 12″ to 18″ in diameter. They also come in all sizes and multiple colors. Short ones can be used in the flower garden. Great for kids and when they mature, the birds will be there to harvest the seeds. Sunflowers are amazing flowers. They are annuals with amazing vitality, and it is not surprising that an artist like Van Gogh would be attracted to them. He made his most famous set of Sunflower paintings in 1888 to decorate his house in Arles.

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