John Lennon was human. Think of the John Lennon 1940-1980 you may say I’m dreamer but I’m not the only one shirt wonderful things he would have done had he lived! My brother was a big Beatles fan John was his favorite he died the same day John was shot God rest their souls. I wish the human race could understand this Devine message sent to us. Together we can stand, divided we fall. “COME TOGETHER. My Irish aunt and uncle visiting us in So. Florida told us their rental car broke down “and we were picked up by your man…eh, John Lennon.” He gave them tea and cake while they waited for a replacement. We were stunned. Why like the ‘Big Lie’ – ‘imagine no Heaven – No Hell?’ or’ John L misled millions of non-thinkers. Now – forever too late – he knows Jehovah King Jesus’ Truth.
