$6400 is to steep for an average everyday guy I think. Jack Skellington hug Pabst Blue Ribbon Halloween shirt I LOVE to have one myself, but a family man my age can’t afford it. But if you guys need a tester to make sure they won’t break down, I’m YOUR GUY! We need PBR bottle koozie or suit jacket koozie! Having a hard time finding them! Stern takes forever to make games and fulfill customer orders. I speak from experience. My only problem is that stern re-themed an existing pinball machine rather than making a new design. On sale??? Wow, you don’t want your loyal customers buying your merchandise huh? That’s cool but a very basic machine. Geez cmon. Gotta go drink a PBR now after seeing that. Pretty steep price for a reskinned very basic table. Single play field. No mini-games.

Buy this shirt: Jack Skellington hug Pabst Blue Ribbon Halloween shirt
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