Some claimed that gentrification is also to I’m not yelling I’m from Brooklyn we just talk loud shirt blame because so many white people decided to live in the neighborhood and all of a sudden, the municipality paid attention to complaints about public lights, pavements, and other infrastructure flaws that were reported by black residents for decades. I think it’s true and it’s a shame. And It all goes back to who’s running the municipality and the district in these areas too! I moved from Bed Stuy because I couldn’t find any decent garden level 1-bed for less than $ 3,000 there. The rentals got crazy but to be frank, it’s all about the landlords who decided who they want to rent to. Now when it comes to what’s left of unsafe neighborhoods, some said in previous answers that Brownsville or East New York.

Buy this shirt: I’m not yelling I’m from Brooklyn we just talk loud shirt