Take advantage of special offers to earn extra Stars. I am a Starbucks addict Heart shirt Gold Starbucks Rewards Members have 1–2 Double-Star Days each month, where you get 4 Stars per dollar instead of 2. (I usually get a cake pop with my drink on these days.) There are also Star Dashes, where you get a certain number of Bonus Stars (typically 50–150) if you visit a certain number of times during a specified time period. Sometimes you have to purchase certain menu items to get the bonus Stars (recently it’s been Macchiatos) and sometimes any purchase can qualify. Make sure to read the challenge rules in the app and touch “Start” to activate the Star Dash. Nothing bad will happen if you don’t complete the Dash, but if you don’t tap Start you don’t get credit.

Buy this shirt: I am a Starbucks addict Heart shirt