If you are one of the promoters of the Grateful Dead Jerry Garcia Christmas shirt. You can earn dividends and once the startup breaks even or starts generating positive cash flow, you can decide a salary after consulting with your co-partners / investors. If you are not a stakeholder in the venture, in that case, you must have an employee agreement. If that is the case, the same will determine your wage/salary entitlement. If you have neither, then there is a high chance that you may not get anything, unless the promoters wish to regularize it and reward you for your effort. After all, the universe isn’t really analog, is it? We, ourselves, are digital machines if you look deep enough. Our brains work using the exchange of electrochemical signals carried by molecules of matter; you can’t go on splitting the signals forever. In enough detail, we’re also digital. So here we’ve got one example of digital intelligence already.

Buy this shirt: Grateful Dead Jerry Garcia Christmas shirt