He seems to forget that the taxpayers are paying for his Frida Kahlo and Disney princesses drinking Friends TV show shirt entire no skilled family to work and travel. His daughter was just in China where she was given Patton’s or trademarks for her personal business. But let us deflect away from your criminal family dealings. He had to defer to the Fin president for the question, he was probably out of practice talking points and rehearsed questions! And I wouldn’t know how to answer any other, the reason, let me hear your question if I like it a statement. We wanna build a Moat. Can you give me one quote? Can I check it with a boat? Will the snakes stay afloat? Should I add a note? I would love for one of those members of the press to curse him out one day. He talks to them like shit and then tells them they are being rude. How embarrassing for the President of Finland to be used by Trump as an avoidance to answering a question.

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