Let me preface this by saying I pretty much opt-out of Dwarfs Santa and black cat Christmas sweater Christmas. I’ll get a group present for each of my sisters’ set of kids (Legos, art supplies, etc.), maybe something small for my brother, and of course, the requisite client gifts. In return, I don’t get much. My parents usually give me a check, which is nice but it’s not a present. Sometimes I’ll get a bottle of wine or a gift card from a vendor. But that’s it, and it’s fine. (At the end of the day, it makes the holidays a lot more enjoyable.) HOWEVER, this does not stop me from fantasizing about Xmas gifts. I am human (and American), after all. So Santa Claus, if you’re reading this, please bring me. Eco-chic, off-the-grid, hard to get to, way too expensive and utterly amazing. I went for their two-week

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