You get to explore Don’t Mess With Pittsburgh Steelers Pennywise shirt. the characters and the consequences on a deeper level,” said Kidman about the decision to go forward with a second season for what was originally conceived as a close-ended miniseries. “You see their lives unfold in a much deeper way. It was an especially resonant topic given that the event also marked the launch of the Wing’s partnership with The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) to work on programming together and further promote their causes.“It will be controversial,” Kidman said of the second season’s depiction of her and the other characters’ physical and emotional trauma in the aftermath of the first season’s shocking final moments that (two-year-old spoiler alert!) sees Kravitz’s character kill Celeste’s husband in self-defense. “Hopefully it will create more and more awareness, and discussion, and hopefully change.”“In my narrow-minded perception, and perhaps cellular perception that comes with some sexism, I thought, ‘well, women will watch the show.’ Which is not okay!” Dern said of her first impression when she signed on for the show’s first season. “Men loved the show! Frat boys love the show, teenagers loved the show. We all want authentic stories.”

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