Who would have thought that in the trailer containing dragons, Cristina Yang you coulda had a bad bitch non-committal shirt Daenerys or Arya the highlight would be Beric Dondarrion…that scene gave me chills man. The fact they’re using the same music used at the beginning of the final episode of season 6 tells me we’re in for one hell of a season! Plot twist. Winter never comes once again. Dany still doesn’t make it to Westeros. The Dragons eat every single character on the show except Bran and The Hound. Little Finger escapes and links up with Tupac Biggie and The Crocodile Hunter in Cuba. I’m only watching this once because I don’t want to be too spoiled of the season but all I can say is DAAAMMMNNN BITCH GAME OF THRONES SLOWLY KILLING ME. You better not kill Jon Snow!

Buy this shirt: Cristina Yang you coulda had a bad bitch non-committal shirt