They are a long-time commitment, my chi has a life span of 14 years Chihuahua if you think my house is full you should see me heart shirt according to google, I’m not sure how credible that info is considering being smaller dog health implications seem more prominent. Their bones are teeny tiny! Dolly jumped from my sons arms and landed on the ground as a baby and broke 3 (toes) not sure what they are referred to hah, but three toes and a bone on her upper paw. Day surgery, much pain and ($3,000) later after about 3–6 months of check-ups she was fine. Still has the odd paw lift in winter. Biggest tip #petinsuranceThey cost money. I would sell everything I had if I was unable to pay her vet fees or check-up fees. It’s primarily important that the funding is and can be high. So accommodating that is a priority. They get scared, some shake, some react in anger. Their diet is extremely small. And as my vet mentioned to me, they tend to
