Some people don’t have much appetite when getting Burn forest #Actforamazonia shirt person to lose weight. So at 47 seconds, it says to avoid rice and then at the 1-minute Mark they show a healthy meal plan that has rice in it? Cheat days are not that recommended than cheat meals once a week. proven by practice. If beef than it must be young beef. Recommended mostly chicken. Brown rice or quinoa both are good and healthy carbs that you can eat once or twice a week. Same as sweet potato. That’s something I know from my experience that helped me to improve my digestion and lost kgs. And you actually feel better. And even if you don’t like to run or anything from cardio stuff just go for a simple walk cuz, after all, it’s all about 70% of how and what you eat and 30% of exercise.

Buy this shirt: Burn forest #Actforamazonia shirt