All you have to do is take note of the local NYC news. Brooklyn born and raised shirt Brownsville is often where some violent crime happened in Brooklyn. East New York has been robbed of this dubious distinction. This show is a masterpiece. I honestly don’t know why and how it’s underrated. Sure, I love popular sitcoms like Friends, and although some might not agree, I actually find B99 more hilarious compared to that kind of shows. There are a great many restaurants in Brooklyn that serve excellent brunch. If you’re looking for the standard eggs Benedict, it’s tough to go wrong with any of the places listed in these answers. However, I’d like to point out a few special places that go above and beyond and have a slightly different spin on things. I will start this answer with the disclaimer that Brooklyn is very mixed with heavily gentrified areas as well as not-so gentrified areas that often only have a matter of blocks separation.

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