It is clear that the baby Yoda being a very powerful force user already would be Baby Yoda soft baby warm baby floating in a pod cute baby hungry baby eating a frog shirt in a few years so it might be the case that Baby Yoda comes out in Episode IX and wipes out all the Resistance, yes even the space horses, blows up the Millenium Falcon with Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, C3PO who has now got red eyes and the psychotic R2D2 with the flick of a wrist. There is, of course, the little fellow’s eating habits that leave a lot to be desired. But, Yoda is the grandmaster. He’ll always get the votes over a character who was maybe the 20th most important character in the MCU. Baby Dory was cute. Boo from Monsters Inc. The little one from Despicable Me.
