With no Palpatine to save him, Vader burns to a crisp, Baby Yoda love me you must shirt suffocates under the toxic atmosphere of Mustafar, and dies. Assuming the Fan Theory about Palpatine stealing Padmé’s life Force is correct, Mrs. Skywalker lives to raise her children – my guess is she goes to Naboo with Obi-Wan, who lays low and helps to raise the children. Assuming the Fan Theory is wrong, Luke and Leia may both go to the Lars family, as there is no need to split them up. Yoda and Obi-Wan arrange to go see them when they’re old enough (about 6–8, I assume) to teach them the Jedi ways. Either way (Padmé lives or Padmé dies), Luke and Leia will be taught in secret by Obi-Wan and

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