I’m sorry but you can’t have Alien without having 1st Annual Area 51 5K Fun Run UFO Alien vintage shirt Predator. Not since they linked them up. I wanna see Alien fight Predator and I want it NOW! Not only does that not look like a xenomorph (I read the posts below) but the animations in all of these characters look really stiff, and there are weird transition frames between different animations that make it look jittery. I’m not a big Mortal Kombat fan, but I always thought their 3D stuff looked pretty smooth, so this stuck out. Hopefully, it’s the player or something. Why the fuck does the alien warrior have predator wrist gauntlet blades?! FFS, I can’t stand mortal combat. The moves are ridiculous and generic. The characters are boring. and the violence seems overblown. Nice to see an Alien.

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